Bible Notes Online - Zechariah 9 - ESV

v1-2: Addressing those nations immediately to the north of Israel.

v3-4: See Is 23; Ezek 26-28; Tyre, the city state of pride; self-made, self-exalting. She gathered silver and gold for herself; things esteemed by man. Yet all her wealth and power is proved useless when the Lord casts here down to be destroyed and devoured.

v5-8: The testimony in Philistia, bringing fear to many; the enmity of the past will cease.

v9-10: The Saviour contrasting with Tyre and Philistia; just and lowly, bringing salvation. They are full of lies and pride, seeking only good for themselves.

But Israel erred in seeking strength in chariots and horses, in human schemes and physical strength. Salvation is of the Lord, to be achieved His way; "I will save my people," 8.7. Their salvation is linked with the universal reign of Jesus Christ, the exalted king.

v11-13: The promise to the people; restoration by God's hand.

v14-17: The day will come when the Lord will come to save His people, defending them from an attacking army, and defeating that army. Israel and Judah will be jewels in God's crown, a banner lifted over His land; compare Is 62.1-5.