Bible Notes Online - Song-Of-Songs 8 - ESV

v1-2: Wine is used to illustrate her love for her Beloved; the spiced wine, the juice of the pomegranate (7.12). Their love is very strong at this point; the physical expression has to be private, so the Shulamite wants to bring her lover inside, into the bedroom (house of my mother).

v3: That love is manifest physically; for the Christian married couple, physical love must not be something embarrassing, but something beautiful, enjoying what God has intended. Here is holiness in the home.

v4: Neither wine nor love should be stirred up too soon; 1.4; 4.10; 5.1. But the time has come.

v5: The observation is that the Beloved leans upon his bride, with total confidence in her.

v6-7: The depths and power of love. The first reference is to human love for another, which God has put in us. The writer draws on a series of metaphors; death, the grave, blazing fire, many waters; here is something wonderful and powerful yet potentially dangerous. We dare not be careless with our feelings and emotions.

The last phrase of verse 6 may be translated 'the very flame of the Lord,' thus bringing the Name of God into the book. Song of Solomon has been criticised as not including the Name of the Lord and, some have argued, that it should not be included in Scripture.

v8-9: Concern for others. "We"refers to both Shulamite and Beloved; her growth in maturity means that she shares his desires and concerns for others. We are to grow up in likeness to Christ, and encourage others to grow in maturity.

v10: The Shulamite, in describing herself, realises her growth in maturity in her appearance, and that she is now a real blessing to her Beloved. This is a sober self-judgment, without false humility.

v11: Responsibility of the tenants, Luke19.13.

v12: The Shulamite's vineyard is her own, and the fruit is for the king. She has maintained it well, contrast 1.6, and now has fruit as a result.

v13: The Beloved sees his bride's beauty.

v14: The king returns, Rev 22.20. The image is of the lover returning in confidence to His Beloved. They are in full agreement and unity.