Bible Notes Online - Song-Of-Songs 2 - ESV

v1: The rose of Sharon was a very small flower, easily neglected; the Shulamite considered herself unworthy of notice. Yet the Beloved found her precious.

v2: There are thorns, indicating a hard life and experience; the Lord is loving, He knows who are His, He recognises the lily amongst thorns. The Beloved honours the Shulamite above the Daughters of Jerusalem.

v3: The mutual expression of love; exclusive, jealous; the Shulamite enjoys the protection and provision of the Beloved; she truly delights in Him.

v4: Access in Christ; the banquet hall was the richest part of the house, the place of beauty, of joy, of refreshment and sustenance, and of secret communion (Matt 6.6), abundant provision (John 14.2).

The banner speaks of ownership (John 13.34-35, protection (Rom 8.39), citizenship (Phil 3.20), and glory (1 Cor 1.31; Gal 6.14).

v5: She is "faint with love," or overwhelmed.

The word "apple" or "apple tree" occurs a number of times in the book (here, and 7.8; 8.5. The Hebrew is TAPPUACH, probably meaning a citron fruit or tree. This fruit was fragrant, and the tree was almost constantly in blossom. Jews carried its branches during the Feast of Tabernacles.

Josh 15.53 refers to Beth Tappuah, house of citron, a town, near Hebron, in the hill country of Judah.

v6-7: Love demands proper restraint, respecting its power; we look for an unhurried opportunity to express love; there is a mutual responsibility to behave in a godly way. The NIV implies that the two are already together, embracing; this seems incorrect. The woman is looking forward to the time of physical love.

These words are wise counsel for a young couple seeking to honour God in a world of great pressure. The sexual drive in humans is very powerful, and is so often corrupted.

v8-10: Desire to be together, the sorrow of separation; longing to hear His voice, to be with Him; here is the desire for marriage, partnership, union.

The call to communion, "come with me" (Mark 3.14); here is the Saviour's initiative, that we might enjoy all He has for us. His coming is described in Ps 96.13; Rev 22.17, 20.

v11-13: His desire is also to share with her; the time is now, the day of salvation, the day of service, the day of closeness with Christ.

Such is the grace of God through Christ that He has loved us, and chosen us to be His, and desires that we walk with Him.

v14: The dove, safe in the rock, Jer 48.28, or perhaps a place of shame and hiding. Perhaps she was hesitant, fearful that service brings risk (Eccl 11.1-2). Does our hesitancy prevent our effective service for Him?

v15: The vines had begun to blossom (v13), but the little foxes got in, and damaged them; here is doubt, discouragement, despair, depression, any of which can spoil our fruitfulness for Christ. Similarly, such things can damage a relationship between husband and wife.

v16: The Shulamite grows in her trust and devotion; 'He is mine and I am His' knowing that they belong to each other. She is happy that He feeds His flock ("browses"), showing His love for others; she has begun to be unselfish, knowing that He will never forsake her.

v17: The Beloved is on the Mountains of Separation; she has sent Him away to serve there, knowing His love will not wane.