Bible Notes Online - Psalms 82 - ESV

God's message for rulers and judges.

v1-2: God stands amongst the 'mighty ones' (or judges); the Hebrew word 'EL' is similar to the word used for God Himself. God is the judge of all judges, and the standard by which they must exercise their authority. They fell short because they were unjust.

v3-4: The command to the judges may also be our prayer to God. Those with authority are expected to exercise it properly, giving proper consideration to the "weak and fatherless...the poor and oppressed." The Lord Jesus showed compassion to such as these.

v5: The ignorance and sinfulness of man. The poor and needy are kept so, and remain ignorant and in darkness, such is the conspiracy of the unjust rulers. The consequence of this is that the very foundations of the earth are shaken. See Ezek 16.49, where the sin of Sodom is described in a similar way, "they did not help the poor and needy."

v6-7: Great privileges lost; the sons of the Most High God will die like mere men. There is honour given to men, and authority to some, but each one remains a man, subject to death.

v8: God's authority extended beyond Israel. All nations are subject to Him.