The greatness and majesty of God.
v1-3: His Name is great, whatever the opinion of unbelievers (Ps 74.10, 18). God has made Himself known; and has a dwelling place, and a people, upon the earth; He has tabernacled with men (John 1.14). It was in Jerusalem that the weapons of war were stilled.
v4: God of power and majesty; more resplendent, more glorious, more majestic (excellent), more awesome (Ps 68.35).
v5-6: Powerful enemies defeated.
v7: Proper respect towards God; we are not to be frivolous with the things of God.
v8-9: God's judgment, to separate between godly and ungodly.
v10: There are two readings of this verse; some versions refer to the wrath of man, others to God's wrath against man; either way, there is praise to God, for His righteous character will be demonstrated. We are confident that everything will ultimately bring glory to God.
v11-12: Since God is great, He is to be feared. Some Jews made 'vows' to God. This was not an additional legalism. Rather it is a sign of devotion and commitment to God. Examples include the servant (Ex 21.5) and the Nazirities (Num 6).