Bible Notes Online - Psalms 66 - ESV

Thanksgiving to God, esp. remembering His goodness to Israel. Themes here recur in Psalms 61-69.

v1-2: A joyful response to God.

v3: God's awesome works and great power. It is right to direct our praise to God.

v4: Praise in song. Praise is not always in song; but the psalms teach us that songs of praise are a proper part of our response to God.

A reference to God's reign over all the earth, Ps 65.2; 67.7.

v5-6: Testimony to God's power, also in v16. He has worked on behalf of His people. The invitation to "come and see," to meditate on His power.

v7: All the nations are subject to God.

v8-9: God's blessing upon Israel; their preservation was a proof of His power.

v10: Testing and refining; a testimony of His love for His own, of His desire for holiness, and of the need for a righteous testimony in the earth.

v11-12: A period of trials, but bringing them into a place of rich fulfilment. We see that testing and refining, trials and difficulties, have a real purpose. The life of Naomi (book of Ruth) illustrates this principle.

v13-15: Privilege of worship; personal integrity and commitment to worship; "I will ..," for there is a mental decision to worship God, to fulfil those promises made.

v16-17: Testimony to others; that they too might experience His power and faithfulness.

v18-20: Practise of prayer; the necessity of a godly life; God will hear prayer from a pure heart.