Bible Notes Online - Psalms 36 - ESV

God's goodness to good men; distinguished from sinful men.

v1-4: The oracle, the message from God. This oracle comes "within my heart," where we hear from God. The Latin title, dixit injustus, means 'my heart shows me.'

The character of wicked men; at root there is no fear of God. There is self-exaltation and pride; when their conscience begins to speak, they ignore it, choosing to do evil once more (Rom 1.24, 26, 28); they will receive what they deserve, as God gives them up to uncleanness, to vile passions, to a debased mind.

Their words are wicked and deceitful; they prefer evil to good. They plan evil, setting themselves to do wrong; this is their habit of life.

v5-6: Contrast the character of God; merciful, faithful, righteous, justice; each characteristic is extensive, reaching everywhere, and is perfect. God promotes good, because He is good. C. S. Lewis makes the helpful comment that, since nature is not divine, it can speak of the character of God Himself.

v7-9: The Lord's concern for His own His character is declared, and we can trust in Him. Matt 23.37 refers to the place of safety under the shadow of His wings. Ps 16.11 speaks of abundant satisfaction with the fullness, the rivers of His pleasures; in God alone is real abundance and joy. God is the source of light and life; the fountain is both the source and the place of abundance. In God's light we enjoy light in our own lives; ultimately these words are fulfilled in Christ.

v10: See Ps 18.25-26; to the blameless, God will show Himself blameless. He will continue to show His living kindness and righteousness to us.

v11-12: Prayer for protection from the proud and wicked, from the workers of iniquity.