v1: The righteous man trusts in God, and is bold and fearless.
v2: The reality of sin means there are "many rulers," many in authority, making and enforcing laws; Rom 13.3.
v3: Where a person in authority oppresses the poor, his very source of income is destroyed.
v4: The godly man will keep the law, even though that may bring him into conflict with others.
v5: The godly man seeks the Lord, and grows in understanding.
v6: Honesty is vital in all our dealings.
v7: A father teaches his son to keep the law, and to avoid bad company.
v8: Usury, or "exorbitant interest" is an attack on the poor. God will judge such, and return his wealth to those who need it.
v9: God knows the heart; when we pray selfishly, rejecting His ways, then we find our prayers are not heard.
v10: Some will seek to trap the righteous; God looks after His own righteous, and will ensure that the schemer suffers his own trap.
v11: Riches can encourage pride, and self-exaltation, and then self-justification over personal sins. Riches can so easily become a barrier to spiritual growth. The rich man becomes like the fool, wise in his own eyes.
v12: When the wicked are prominent, see 29.2, the godly, ordinary faithful people are grieved.
v13: Sins must be exposed and confessed; to cling to them is folly, see v9.
v14: Always reverent, respecting God and His things; having an open ear and an open heart; the contrast is with the hard of heart.
v15: Disaster, a wicked man in charge of those who cannot free themselves from His authority.
v16: A tyrant is equally bad, in contrast with the man who pursues gain honestly. The ruler ought to be a man of understanding.
v17: Cain the fugitive; such a man will suffer for his sins.
v18: See also v10; God knows the blameless, He protects them from problems they know nothing about. In contrast, the man who lives in deceit and perversity will fall.
v19: Diligence and a balanced mind; we are realistic about work. We must not chase the fantasy of vast wealth easily gained, nor harbour fantasies about although matters.
v20: The danger of covetousness; often such an attitude does not allow generosity.
v21: Partiality, bias, dishonesty; yet in desperate straits a man will steal or lie, see 30.7-9. To care for the poor means that such temptations are avoided.
v22: The stingy man has a desire for riches, but is also selfish.
v23: Rebuke is of more lasting benefit than flattery.
v24: The danger of self-deceit.
v25: The greedy man, being selfish, promotes dissension.
v26: We do not trust in our selves, but in the Lord.
v27: Generosity is the antidote to greed, and the answer to poverty.
v28: See v15-16, the wicked in authority, bringing disaster upon the nation. Once the wicked are removed, the righteous rejoice.