v1: A name of honour is better than having riches, 8.10-11; 20.15.
v2: Rich and poor are equal before God.
v3: Evil often advertises itself, the wise man looks forward, and therefore sees temptations, and can avoid them. The simple man, ignorant of spiritual realities, is more vulnerable to temptations.
v4: Reward in seeking God.
v5: The wicked necessarily find trouble in their path.
v6: A good start guarantees a good finish.
v7: Avoid borrowing; wealth and money are a snare, 1 Tim 6.9.
v8: Severe consequences for those who sow wickedness, they will certainly reap a reward.
v9: Generosity to the poor; the generous man will receive a reward.
v10: Dealing with the one who causes strife; he takes his attitudes with him.
v11: Jesus Christ, the king's friend; purity of heart and lips of grace. This verse also speaks of the blessing that comes from our personal integrity; this can open doors to have great influence.
In the modern world influence is achieved by techniques and personality. In scripture influence is achieved through integrity.
v12: The scripture speaks of the eyes of the Lord; but we do not think of Him as being inactive, for He is act work.
v13: The lazy man makes excuses to avoid work, commitment, sacrifice; the end is death (21.25).
v14: The adulterous woman uses her mouth, bringing deceptive words to trap the unwary. A man who rejects God's ways may find his judgment through such a woman; God brings judgment upon the wicked from other wicked.
v15: Naturally, a child has foolishness; but proper correction and discipline will deal with it, bringing maturity.
v16: Injustice is condemned, even though many either practice of condone it, see v22-23.
v17-21: Our attitude to God's word;
- listen, and apply your heart to obey;
- speak the words of God;
- trust in God;
- God's word is "excellent" (v20 margin);
- We gain confidence, especially in answering others, see 1 Pet 3.15.
v22-23: Some exploited the poor, thus keeping them poor, and hoping to gain from them; this is condemned, for God will speak up for them.
v24-25: Beware the influence of evil men, there is a danger that we may follow the example of those we associate with.
v26-27: The folly of putting up security for others.
v28: The ancient boundary stone, marking the edge of a person's land or the land belonging to a village.
v29: A skilful man will gain influence; the implication is that he has worked hard to achieve his skill.