Bible Notes Online - Numbers 6 - ESV

The Nazirite was one who wanted to go further, and to give more to God; v2 describes this as a special vow of separation to the Lord.

v3-4: While he remained a Nazirite, he had to avoid wine and anything similar.

The presumption was clear, that he so loved God that he was prepared to give up even the ordinary, that he might honour God.

v5: He must also avoid cutting his hair. This would be a clear outward sign that he had made the vow.

v6-7: He also had to avoid contact with dead bodies. The regulation here was even stricter than for the priests (Lev 21.2-3, 11). The long hair was a “symbol of separation,” which others would see.

v8: Throughout the whole period, he remained consecrated to the Lord.

v9-12: If a person died suddenly next to him, he has sinned (v11), and the period reached was lost (v12). Such was the strictness of the Nazirite code.

v19-20: The wave offering, and the thigh that was presented; speaking of praise, and of covenant. These offerings were made along with other offerings (v13-18) at the end of the period of separation.

v21: The man who desired to serve the Lord in this way remained subject to the commands of the Lord.

v23-27: The priests' specific role, to bless the people, mediating God's grace to them. God would bless them, honouring their obedience. ‘To the Jew, blessedness was supreme favour from the hand of God.’ (R.C.Sproul, Mighty Christ)