Bible Notes Online - Numbers 10 - ESV

The cloud and fire were God's direct guidance. The silver trumpets indicated man's involvement in guidance. The priests, being leaders responsible for the people, had to blow the trumpets. It was important that they made a clear sound (as in 1 Cor 14.8).

v2: The trumpets were made of silver, speaking of redemption. They were used for those who had already become the people of God. We cannot argue that God guides those who are not His, although we accept that He is in authority over all people.

v3: The first use of the trumpets was to gather the people for fellowship and instruction.

v4: Another use was to bring the leaders together. People need leaders. This seems always to have been God's pattern.

v5-6: Another use was setting out on a journey.

v7: There were different signals, for specific purposes, see 1 Cor 14.8.

v8: The responsibility for blowing the trumpets was with the Levites.

v9: When fighting for their own land, the trumpets would be used as a call to God to defend His people.

v10: Finally, the trumpets were used on the worship of God, and were blown over the offerings.

The whole counsel of God must be proclaimed, not just a single aspect of God's truth. There is fellowship, instruction, warfare, worship, and leadership; all marked by the trumpets.

v11: The cloud did not move until after the men defiled could celebrate the Passover , see 9.11. Such is God' s grace; it is as if the start of the journey was delayed to allow these people to worship God.

Other references to trumpets; Is 27.13; Zech 9.14; Joel 2.1; 1 Cor 15.52; 1 Thess 4.16; Rev 8-9.

The journey beginning here continued for 38 years, until 22.1, when Israel arrived in the plains of Moab.

v14-28: The people departed in order, as had been previously laid down in ch 2.

v29-30: Moses offered for Hobab to journey with them, to share in God's blessings. Initially, Hobab refused the offer, being drawn by his family. It may be, v33, that he changed his mind.

Moses first met Reuel (or Jethro) in Ex 2.18-22; see also Ex 18, where Jethro advises Moses to appoint leaders for the people.