Bible Notes Online - Leviticus 17 - ESV

v1-5: Sacrifices to God were important, but it was also importanttant that sacrifices were performed God' way. Sacrifices were not to be made at simply any time (16.2 also), in simply any place; there was to be a proper order. At the time, they were offering sacrifices in the open fields; later they made sacrifices at numerous high places, which became the venues for idolatry.

v7: The multiplication of places for sacrifices already contributed to sinful practices. Although they were delivered from Egypt, they still maintained some false religion.

v8-9: Severe punishments were made for those who disobeyed these regulations; unless we choose God's ways, we end up doing just what we want.

v10-14: The sanctity of blood; for spiritual benefit, rather than physical sustenance. Some things belong utterly to God; even here the obedient receive a blessing, atonement for the soul.

v15-16:  Even in the ordinary expereinces of life, the Israelite might become unclean, here by eating something found dead. But again there is provision for his atonement,