Bible Notes Online - Judges 19 - ESV

If chapters 17 and 18 deal with corruption in worship, this chapter deals with corruption in behaviour.

v1-4: The Levite went to his father-in-law's house, to persuade his wife to return to him. Here is a lesson in seeking to restore another.

v5-10: The father, for some reason, continually delayed the Levite, asking him to stay another night. For the Levite, this well-meaning advice was unhelpful.

v12-15: The Levite was a man of principle, and would not stay in a city of foreigners. They went on to Gibeah, a city of Benjamin, assuming that they would find accommodation. Their expectation in Gibeah was frustrated as no one would take them in.

v20-21: At first, no one would take in the Levite and his company. Eventually, the old man arrived, who had come from outside Gibeah (v16). He showed kindness, and brought them into where he was staying.

v22: During the night the men of Gibeah attacked the house. They were set on perverted and selfish sin, desiring pleasure only for themselves. Their words are comparable to those of the men of Sodom.

v25-28: The Levites' concubine, not the old man's daughter, was given to the wicked men. They abused her to death.

v29-30: The Levite decided that the whole nation of Israel had to know the dreadful sin that had been committed by Gibeah and, apparently, tolerated by Benjamin. Whether the rest of Israel was innocent was debatable.