v1-4: Animals give birth; God knows the timing, the actual experience, and the growth after birth. All these things are within His knowledge and control.
v5-12: The wild donkey and the wild ox may appear to be like domesticated animals, but they cannot be tamed, and brought to serve man.
v13-18: Although the ostrich may appear ungainly, for it cannot fly, and foolish and harsh, yet she has great strength and speed. The adult ostrich will run away from its young, to lure away predators; there is great wisdom in her folly.
Naturally, we see the stork as having more elegance than the ostrich, but made all of them.
God does not tell us everything about the ostrich and its behaviour, but points out certain things that would be clearly seen. Job may well have known this. Here God draws the simple conclusion, that He made the ostrich like that.
v19-25: The horse, built for strength and speed, which can be used by man. His natural 'character' makes him suitable for use in battle.
v26-30: The hawk and eagle, birds of prey. In Obad 3-4, Edom is likened to an eagle, living in crags. The Lord Jesus quotes v30 in Luke 17.37.