v1-2: King Zedekiah had an apparent desire to hear the word of God. But he presumed upon the Lord's goodness. This man had promoted idolatry, yet he referred to the Lord's "wonders." Like many, he neglected the Lord until the difficult times came.
v3: Jeremiah's response to those sent by the king; they would not have wanted to hear these words.
v4: 'Your efforts at defence will be useless.' The Babylonians would be successful in entering and capturing the city.
v5: The Lord Himself would fight against the people.
v6: People and livestock, who had fled to the city for safety, would die in large numbers.
v7: Zedekiah himself would be delivered in the hand of Nebuchadnezzar. He would find no mercy; they forgot that the Lord's mercies are great. This prophecy repeated later to Zedekiah (37.17).
v8-9: The opportunity to live, by going over to the Babylonians. A very precise instruction; obey and live! (Deut 30.15)
v10: Jerusalem was about to fall, that was now certain, for God had spoken. The wise among the people would heed Jeremiah's words, and take the opportunity to escape.
v11-12: The house of David, the dynasty of the Kings, would also suffer. They had perpetrated many of the injustices in the nation.
v13-14: Some, in their complacency, felt secure; but they too had promoted sins, and would suffer for it.