v1: The twisted serpent, Rev 13.1; 20.2. Although exact identification of this animal seems impossible, it is clearly inspired by the devil. The serpent, the monster of the sea, the powerful enemy of God's people, is defeated by the more powerful Lord God.
v2-5: The Lord's vineyard, as in 5.1-7. This time it is fruitful, and the song is of God's faithfulness. The Lord watches over it "every moment" (RAV). Past fury is gone, and none can harm that which the Lord guards.
"I am not angry," or 'anger is not in me.' God's character is not primarily anger or wrath; for He delights in mercy. He is the reluctant judge; Is 28.21; Jer 44.22; Lam 3.33.
v6: See Rom 11.12; when Jacob, Israel, is once more rooted in God, the whole world will be blessed.
v7-9: Israel's sin removed; other nations were also judged. But through Israel's judgment, his sin was removed, his guilt atoned for. Israel suffered greatly, having turned from the Lord God; the nation bearing the punishment for his own sins.
v10-11: The suffering of Israel was no accident, but the hand of God upon His rebellious people.
v12: The Lord's harvest, as Israel is gathered in. One by one the people come, for the Lord knows those who are His.
v13: The great trumpet will sound, the dispersed people are regathered; see 19.18-25; Matt 24.31; see also 1 Thess 4.16.