Bible Notes Online - Hosea 7 - ESV

v1: Widespread sins amongst the people. Israel, called Ephraim, is also called Samaria.

v2: The people think that God cannot see them, Ps 10.11,13. How can God truly restore His people when they persist in their sins?

v3: They even delight in their sins, such is their commitment to doing evil.

v4-7: There is the fire of ungodly desires, and the leaven of sin. They prepare their hearts to satisfy their fleshly desires, as a baker prepares bread for baking. The oven is heated sufficiently to burn all night; a reflection of their deep desire for evil. In the morning, the oven is normally cool. But not so the people, whose desires remained.

The leaders meet with mockers, scoffers, like Ahab, 1 Kings 21.7-13. This also indicates that they despise the things of the Lord.

Their desires, and their enjoyment of sins, meant that they "devour their rulers," those who dare to speak out. As a result none sought the Lord.

v8-10: The influence of surrounding nations; as a flat cake not turned, ie: burned on one side; lacking strength, but ignorant of it; grey haired; arrogant; yet they do not turn back to the Lord. The people of God are commanded to remain distinct from others, yet Israel was mixed with the Gentiles, and learned their ways. The people were ignorant of the damage this caused.

A cake unturned is unbalanced and corrupted. ‘There is a symmetry and beauty in God’s workmanship. The natural body, which God hath made, consists of many members; and all are in a beautiful proportion: so it is in the new man, consisting of various graces and affections.’ (Jonathan Edwards, Religious Affections)

v11-16: The folly of departing from the Lord. The prophet describes their folly in many ways.

Like a silly dove without sense, they seek the help of man, first Egypt, then Assyria. Wherever they flee, God will find them and catch them, for they cannot escape.

"They have strayed from me...rebelled against me...speak lies against me...turn away from me." This is God's people, supposedly bound to Him by covenant, but living as if the covenant does not exist. They do not cry out to the Lord, nor turn to Him; they gather for feasts, for new wine, but ignore the God who gave those things.

The people forgot the great truth that God has redeemed them, Ps 77.11. But now God must redeem they again.