Bible Notes Online - 2-Chronicles 8 - ESV

v1-3: See 3.2; these events were 24 years into Solomon's reign.

v4-6: Solomon had storage cities. This was an indication of the wealth of the nation, since there was much to store.

v7-10: The Canaanites became slaves, fulfilling Gen 9.25-27. Strictly, of course, they should not have been their at all, but Israel had earlier failed to drive them out totally.

The children of Israel had been delivered from slavery in Egypt, and were not to return, either to that place, nor to that life. In Christ, too, we have dignity and honour as sons of God, although we gladly serve the Living God.

v11: Solomon had been unwise to marry the daughter of Pharaoh. Two enemies, Hadad (1 Kings 11.17), and Jeroboam (1 Kings 11.40), had been protected by Pharaoh.

Solomon kept Pharaoh's daughter away from the palace of David because it was holy; yet he himself came near to her, for he married her; such inconsistency. Yet, we are conscious that we are inconsistent in our own actions and attitudes.

v12-13: Solomon continued regular worship of God. Yet, he was not ruthless in dealing with wrong things. Ultimately, Solomon turned away from God. Regular worship of God is important, but it must be real.

v14-15: David had not only prepared material for the temple, he had prepared a godly order for the worship of God. Solomon wisely followed the pattern set by David.

v16: A verse of summary; Solomon completed the temple.

v17-18: Solomon was a great tradesman. He used the ships of King Hiram to source further wealth for Israel. Later, Jehoshaphat built a fleet of ships, 1 Kings 22.48, but they never set sail.