Bible Notes Online - 1-Kings 13 - ESV

v1: Bethel had become a place of idolatry; and the old prophet lived there (v11).

v2-3: A man of God, no name, no family, no home; but he brought a message from God. This is a reminder of our proper priorities, compare Gen 24.34, "I am Abraham's servant"; our prime responsibility is to declare the name of Christ.

v4-5: He was evidently a man of boldness, since he spoke before the king who had promoted the idolatry. God gave the sign, in that the altar was split open; and He gave more, as Jeroboam's hand was shrivelled.

v6: The man of God was a praying man, in touch with God.

v7-10: The prophet had some impact upon Jeroboam, yet he was prohibited from eating or drinking. He had no home in Bethel. Even before the king, he insisted on obeying God.

His boldness is similar to that of Amos before the later King Jeroboam (Amos 7.10-17).

v11-17: The old prophet from Bethel overtook the man of God from Judah, and invited him home. At first he refused to go with him, just as he had refused to go with Jeroboam.

v18-19: The old prophet lied to he man of God, although it is not clear why. He send 'thus says the Lord' when the Lord had not spoken; in 1 Cor 14.32, the prophet has influence over what he says; it is thus possible to abuse the gift for unholy purposes.

There is a danger of accepting the false, Ezek 13.6-7; we can be taken in by those who do not speak the truth. There is therefore a need for discernment.

The man of God was taken in by the deception, and suffered the consequences. It may be that the Lord will test our obedience by such things.

v20-26: The words of the prophet were true this time. A single act of disobedience had destroyed the ministry of the man of God. It we are to be faithful and fruitful, then we must live a life of consistent godliness.

The Lord God gave a sign, that the man of God's body was watched over by a lion and a donkey, and the lion did not eat the donkey.

v27-30: The old prophet collected the man of God's body, and buried it with dignity.

v31-32: The old prophet seemed to have more respect for the man of God after he had died.

The incident is real; good men with a high profile ministry do disobey. Others are inconsistent in their words. These things do happen in real life. We must know the word of God, and discern His will.

v33-34: Jeroboam, although healed of his shrivelled hand, did not truly repent. He made many priests "from all sorts of people", whatever qualification. Jeroboam had rejected God's standards in many ways, and would continue to do so.