v1: We are to be subject to human authorities, and demonstrate out submission by good works.
Paul uses the title 'Saviour' several times here. This was as a challenge to the Emperor Nero who had taken the same title upon himself.
v2: We are to speak evil of no one; whilst there is a clear responsibility to counter error, that must be balanced by an attitude of peace, gentleness, and humility. Personal criticism is to be avoided; prejudice, half-truths, and accusations are also forbidden (2 Tim 2.25).
v3: The old way of life; we were foolish, disobedient, deceived, and enslaved. We lived in malice and envy and hatred. Such is the rotten-ness of natural man. This is the way of life which we now reject.
Paul speaks here of poor interpersonal relationships. It may have been that Cretans were individualistic, despising others, certainly "being hated and hating." In Christ, personal relationships are quite different, for we are one family.
v4: Sinful man can only be changed by God. His kindness and love have appeared in Jesus Christ.
v5: Salvation from God;
- not by our own works of righteousness;
- according to His mercy, since we can never deserve salvation from God;
- the washing of regeneration, or rebirth; cleansing from all sin; and
- renewing of the Holy Spirit; the indwelling person and power of God.
The reference to regeneration here is 'the first installment of the final, universal regeneration of the universe.' (John Piper Finally Alive)
v6: The abundant salvation of God, poured out through Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Jesus Christ; the Godhead works in perfect harmony in salvation.
v7: We are justified;
- by His grace, not by our works;
- heirs of eternal life; justification brings hope.
v8: Since these things are wonderfully true, we have a responsibility to proclaim them. Titus had to constantly affirm them (as in 2.15). Those who profess faith in Christ should be seen by devoting themselves to doing what is good.
v9: Some pursue discussions, or arguments and controversies, about things that have no profit. We should discern such things, and avoid them.
v10-11: Where a person insists on pursuing foolish disputes, he must be dealt with in a godly way, by a warning, then putting out of the church. He is a "divisive person", who rejects godly authority.
v12-13: Paul's deep respect for and affection for those he worked alongside: Artemas, Tychicus, Zenas, Apollos. These verses also provide a snap shot into Paul’s teamwork. Artemas, and Tychicus were ready to travel to Crete to support the Churches in Titus’s absence. Zenas and Apollos were travelling via Crete in their roles elsewhere. Paul had sought to establish a pattern of co-working to provide on-going support for 'his' churches which would continue after his death.
v14: A final reminder for "our people", that they should devote themselves to doing good. Even a Christian has to learn this principle.
v15: Paul's final greeting and blessing.